barraca de pedra seca adp031_avinyonet de puigventos_ubicat_empordaturisme

Barraca de Pedra Seca ADP031

Discover the Dry Stone Hut ADP031: A Monument of Majesty and History

The Dry Stone Hut ADP031 stands as an impressive testament to traditional architectural art. This conical-shaped hut, with its crown and buttress, captures attention with its grandeur and unique history.

With an imposing vault of 310 cm in height and a base of 230 cm, this hut is built with large rubble stones, displaying skillful craftsmanship. The stones, larger at the top, reveal the robustness of the construction, creating a structure that has withstood the test of time.

Inside, we discover a small niche, a testament to the traditional uses of these constructions, and several graffiti that add a personal touch to this rural masterpiece. The Dry Stone Hut ADP031 has been recognized as a Cultural Asset of Local Interest, ensuring its preservation for future generations.

Explore this monument that speaks of the past, with its grandeur becoming a window to the times and rural life that has left its imprint through this dry stone masterpiece.

  • GIV-5105, 17742 Avinyonet de Puigventós, Catalunya Espanya42º16'2''N 2º54'44''E
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