We are the Pirates of Cap de Creus, born among wild coves and touched by the Tramuntana.
Navigating and showing the coast of Cap de Creus together with ecological and environmental tasks, are mainly our objectives.
We are a group of friends who, thanks to our youth, energy and certain concerns, decided to take a turn in our life and routine to form what is today the project known as Els Pirates del Cap de Creus.
This project was born in 2021, when after having been gestating throughout the previous year, a handful of ideas emerged. The first step was to go to Menorca to find what was going to be the first addition to the fleet, the “Valkiria”, a traditional Menorcan lute from 1973. The desire and energy on our part were immense, even so , we had to start without many tools and with a lot of work ahead.
What we were clear about was that all we could offer was authenticity and knowledge about the territory. We are children of Cap de Creus and, therefore, we know the area and corners that are not easy to forget. And so it was, we went into an adventure that quickly took off. From the beginning, the reception and response from the people was magnificent. The support and feedback from everyone who shared with us was very important.
Now, we are accredited guides of the Cap de Creus Natural Park both on land and at sea and we participate in environmental tasks together with the park team. We always try to offer the highest quality in our services, that’s why we train in everything we think is convenient for the territory and all the users who visit us.
Thanks to the unexpected high demand from people, we decided to complement our fleet with the addition of two new boats, the “Lop de Mar” and its sister, the “Indiketa”. They are also traditional lutes from the 70s and 80s. Now, they will have a second youth in the Mar d’Amunt, the north face of Cap de Creus, where they will spend a large part of their days walking people along the beautiful coast that it offers us the park.
They say that success is reaching the highest point of happiness, it is probably very difficult to achieve it, but sailing around Cap de Creus aboard traditional lutes and with the company of Pirates, must be very close…
Altes aspectes a destacar
– L’aperitiu dels tours consta de: fuet, olives, chips/fruits secs i una beguda per persona (suc, cervesa o aigua) – S’aconsella portar protecció solar, gorra/gorro/barret, tovallola, roba de bany, roba de recanvi, ulleres de sol. – Es permet dur menjar però no begudes/neveres. Tenim bar a bord i es podran consumir begudes i cocktails. – El preu es divideix entre els passatgers ja que són excursions privades (preu tancat). – Es demana paga i senyal d’almenys el 50% del tour que es vol per tal de reservar data. – En cas de suspendre el tour per mal temps/meteorologia, es podrà fer canvi de dates o retornar els diners dipositats. IMPORTANT: Seran els capitans de la tripulació qui decidiran si es suspèn o no el tour! Si és el client qui suspèn l’activitat, els diners que s’hagin dipositat per la reserva no seran retornats. La temporada és molt curta i demandada i ens porta molta feina tota l’organització, per tant no ens podem permetre el luxe de perdre reserves d’aquesta manera. Totes les activitats que realitzem a la costa de la Mar d’Amunt, són de caire turístic-ecològic, on a part de treure gent a passejar i mostrar els racons més bonics del Parc Natural del Cap de Creus, fomentem educació i conscienciació ambiental. Creiem que és vital mantenir el territori en les millors condicions possibles per tal de millorar la qualitat del terreny i protegir tot l’àmbit natural. És per això, que dediquem part del nostre temps a fer neteges de platges i tallers educatius amb nens i adolescents de la zona. Transmetre valors ecològics i de protecció al medi són molt importants per al futur de tots. Tot usuari que hi vulgui participar és benvingut en aquesta tasca tan enriquidora. Històricament i a nivell social, Els pirates solen ser temuts i amb una reputació no gaire digne… però nosaltres, els Pirates del Cap de Creus, som els pirates que tota costa voldria tenir! ARRRRR Per un món més conscient i responsable amb la natura i la mare Terra.Activities
Short Tour

· Departure from Llançà, Port de la Selva or Colera, heading north or south as appropriate.
· Bath + aperitif included.
· MORNING schedule: 9am to 11.30am
· AFTERNOON hours: 3pm to 5.30pm
· SUNSET schedule: 7.45pm to 10pm
Preus· Price: €150 (group price - maximum 6 people - private groups) *Snorkel guide (optional): €5 per person (material included)Middle Tour

• Departure from Llançà, Port de la Selva or Colera, heading north or south as appropriate.
• Bath, disembarkation at the beaches and aperitif included.
• MORNING timetable: 9am to 1.30pm
• AFTERNOON schedule: 3pm to 7.30pm
Preus• Price: €250 (group price - maximum 6 people - private groups) *Snorkel guide (optional): €5 per person (material included)Full Tour

• Departure from Llançà, Port de la Selva or Colera towards the tip of Cap de Creus. We will visit several coves and corners on our journey, passing through the Pla de Tudela and the Cova de s’Infern (as long as and when the weather conditions allow it).
• Bath, disembarkation at the beaches and aperitif included.
*Within the complete tour we offer two more options so that you can enjoy a more complete experience in every sense:
• Hours: 9am to 6pm.
Preus• Price: €390 (group price - maximum 6 people - private groups) *Snorkel guide (optional): €5 per person (material included).Boat ride + Yoga in Cap de Creus

Come and enjoy a unique experience where we combine sailing along the coasts of the High Seas and a Yoga session with the help of the Marina of the Mandala Yoga Center (Llançà).
On this day, breakfast is also offered, with quality and local products, and we finish with a joint collection of plastics in order to collaborate with the Natural Park of Cap Creus and leave a place free of waste as we would like find him Or rather, better than we found it!
Hours: 8.15am – 2pm
PreusPrice: €50 per person