Portalblau, a renowned festival known for its exceptional stages and the quality and singularity of its annual programming. This year, the festival celebrates its 15th edition and will offer a wide variety of artistic proposals in the best possible venues.
11.08 | JOAN DAUSÀ Jo Mai Mai. 10-Year Tour | Fòrum romà | CONCERT
It has been ten years since Joan Dausà decided to tell stories through his songs. And thankfully, with a decade on stage, Dausà has shown us his great talent as a composer and his unique ability to move us emotionally. Jo Mai Mai, 10-Year Tour, is a nostalgic look back at these first ten years of his career, but it is also an optimistic and positive celebration of all his greatest hits. From the essential “Jo Mai Mai” to the heartfelt “Una Altra Manera de Viure”, and the lively “La Gran Eufòria”, “Tot Anirà Bé” or “Ho Tenim Tot”, to the recent release of “Queda’t Així”. And attention, because Judith, the protagonist of “Jo Mai Mai”, strikes back with a new song that will be released next spring, serving as the second part of this celebrated anthem. It will be a party we will enjoy together at the Portalblau Festival!
Date and time: Friday, August 11th at 10:00 PM
Location: Fòrum romà d’Empúries
Duration: 90 minutes
Price: €32
Don’t miss this opportunity to enjoy the music and talent of Joan Dausà at the impressive Fòrum romà d’Empúries. Reserve your tickets now and join us in this unique celebration at the Portalblau Festival.
- 11-08-2023 de 22:00 a 23:55
- Festival Portalblau – Joan Dausà
- Passeig d'Empúries, 67551 l'Escala Sant Martí d'Empúries, Catalunya Espanya42º8'6''N 3º7'12''E