Night of Sant Joan Agrícola Siurana

Ignite the magic and savor life on June 23rd. Experience an unforgettable eco-celebration at Societat Agrícola Siurana. Join us for an enchanting midsummer’s eve under the olive trees, featuring an exquisite organic dinner that will tantalize your taste buds.

During this special night, you’ll be treated to live music performed by the Paxòfon quartet, creating a delightful and vibrant atmosphere. Indulge in the perfect combination of organic flavors from the dinner and the melodic notes of the live performance.

To conclude this solstice celebration, we will raise a toast with a traditional “cremat,” allowing you to share joy with fellow guests and create unforgettable memories.

Don’t miss this unique opportunity to experience a magical night at Societat Agrícola Siurana. Reserve now for this exceptional midsummer’s eve celebration and ignite the magic of summer while savoring life.

santjoan_societat agricola siurana_Empordaturisme

  • Camí de Sant Tomàs de Fluvià, 17469 Siurana, Catalunya Espanya42º12'11''N 2º59'48''E
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