Route Víctor Catala Easter

Discover the Literary Legacy of Caterina Albert ‘Víctor Català’ in L’Escala

Caterina Albert, known as ‘Víctor Català’ and born in L’Escala, is one of the fundamental writers in 20th-century Catalan literature. Her most renowned work, “Solitud,” a cornerstone novel in both Catalan and European literature, established her as a prominent writer.

This route dedicated to Caterina Albert begins at the Víctor Català Space in the Alfolí de la Sal and unfolds with a delightful stroll through the old town, exploring the places that inspired the author. The journey includes readings of Caterina Albert’s texts at La Punta, in the garden of Clos del Pastor, and at the Mariner Cemetery.

Activity Details:

  • Starting Point: Víctor Català Space in the Alfolí de la Sal
  • Route: Stroll through the Old Town, with readings at La Punta, in the garden of Clos del Pastor, and at the Mariner Cemetery.
  • Pre-registration:
  • Price: €5.00

Don’t miss this opportunity to explore the places that influenced one of the most significant literary figures of the 20th century. Secure your spot by pre-registering through the provided link.

  • l'Escala, Espanya42º6'49''N 3º8'19''E
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