XLV Cavallada in Castelló d’Empúries

XLV Cavalcade in Castelló d’Empúries: Experience a Day Full of Tradition

Welcome to the XLV Cavalcade in Castelló d’Empúries, a celebration resonating with centuries of history and authenticity. The gathering will take place at the esplanade of Hort d’en Negre, an iconic location that breathes the rich local tradition.

The day will kick off with a communal breakfast, setting a warm and welcoming atmosphere for all participants. Next, we’ll enjoy a picturesque procession that will weave through the shaded streets of Castelló d’Empúries, with participants donning their traditional attire.

A special moment will come with the blessing of the livestock at the Basilica of Santa Maria, a ceremony highlighting the connection between faith and local culture. This unique experience will be followed by the presentation of the participating groups, providing an opportunity to meet the enthusiasts of tradition who make this event possible year after year.

We invite you to join us and be part of this authentic and meaningful celebration. Save the date and get ready to experience the XLV Cavalcade in Castelló d’Empúries in all its splendor.

  • 17486 Castelló d'Empúries Castelló d'Empúries, Catalunya Espanya42º15'32''N 3º4'30''E
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