Natural areas - River Muga - Empordaturisme

Muga River

  • GIV-5041, 17723 Boadella i les Escaules Les Escaules, Catalunya Espanya42º19'43''N 2º51'50''E
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River that drains to the north of Empordà, from where it starts in Bassegoda and a little after enters in Albanyà. Its valley is surrounded by mountains in its first section, later it is ideal for practicing river fishing in any of its multiple mouths.

It is one of the largest water supplies for the reservoir of Boadella, and upon reaching the plain, waters the fertile flat lands as it passes through Pont de Molins, Peralada and Castelló d’Empúries.

Its final section flows into the Mediterranean, creating a border between Aiguamolls del Empordà and Empuriabrava, where a track has been made for mountain biking or walking to and from Castelló d’Empúries.