Natural Spot - Salines - empordaturisme

Salines Natural Spot

  • Camí de la Creu de Principi a la Comella, 17733 Albanyà, Catalunya Espanya42º19'44''N 2º35'58''E
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This is a cross-border area that covers 4107 ha located in the municipal areas of Maçanet de Cabrenys, Agullana, La Vajol and Albanyà. It has a great diversity of forest habitats, particularly of conifer forests (pine and fir woods) and mountain holm oak groves as well as deciduous woods (beech woods and oak groves). In terms of fauna, the abundance of mammals (wild boars and foxes) and birdlife should be noted: birds of prey (hen harriers, kestrels, buzzards, etc.) and woodland birds (blackbirds, woodpeckers, etc.). There are also a great deal of monumental trees, chapels and sanctuaries.