Hiking Festival 2021 – Camins de Sant Miquel

Hiking along the paths of the lower Fluvià and the terraprims to discover different medieval nuclei with their parishes and Romanesque monasteries.


Ticket Sales

Natural Heritage to discover
landscapes of the Romanesque churches of the lower Fluvià, St. Thomas, St. Miquel, St. Cebrià
Fluvià River.

Cultural Heritage to visit
Paintings of St. Tomàs de Fluvià
Monastery of St. Miquel de Fluvià
Quarries of Vilacolum

Tasting: DO Empordà wine tasting with tramuntana bread and local sausages, in Torroella de Fluvià

Starting point: Monastery of Sant Miquel de Fluvià

How can you get to the starting point?
Public transport: by train to Sant Miquel de Fluvià Station (200 meters from the starting point)
Private transport: car park at Sant Miquel de Fluvià Station (200 meters from the starting point)

Who is it for? amateur and family audience

Sendif Level: Moderate

Distance traveled: 12km
Elevation gain: 100m

Price:  Adults: € 10 Children (Under 14 years old): € 5

Maximum number of people registered: 25

Guide by Terramar natura i cultura

  • Plaça de l'Església, 17475 Sant Miquel de Fluvià, Catalunya Espanya42º10'18''N 2º59'31''E
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