Molinàs Castle and the Mar d’amunt Hiking Festival

Molinàs Castle and Mar d’Amunt: Hiking Festival

Hiking Festival, where we invite you to explore the captivating Molinàs Castle and the picturesque Mar d’Amunt on an enriching route. Get ready for a memorable and fulfilling experience.

Route Details:

Starting Point: We will meet at the parking lot at the entrance of Colera, the starting point of this unique adventure.
Ascent to the Castle: We will ascend towards the majestic Molinàs Castle, passing through the quaint abandoned village and uncovering the secrets that this place holds.
Ermita de Sant Miquel: We will reach the charming Ermita de Sant Miquel, where we can enjoy splendid panoramic views before beginning the descent.
Descent to Colèra: Our route will take us back to Colèra, following the course of the stream and enjoying the beauty of nature in all its glory.
Wine Tasting: To conclude on a high note, we will indulge in an exquisite wine tasting of local wines, immersing ourselves in the unique flavors of this wine region.
Recommendations: To ensure a comfortable experience, we suggest wearing suitable walking shoes and carrying an ample supply of water.

An Authentic Experience:

This approximately 14 km itinerary will guide you through history, nature, and local culture, providing you with a deep understanding of this region. Come and explore with us!

Book Your Space Now:

If you’re nature enthusiasts, hikers, and wine aficionados, this is an opportunity you can’t miss. Reserve your spot now and join us in this unique experience at the Hiking Festival

  • 17496 Colera, Catalunya Espanya42º24'13''N 3º8'56''E
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